Journal: Jeanette Sperry

1945 (Thursday) – I attended the Genealogical Class. Brother Anastacia, who has been President of the European Conference for several years, until Hugh B. Brown was sent over to relieve him, is now in Salt Lake with his wife (Mrs. Hugh B. Brown) and children. He talked to us for for almost two hours, telling of conditions over there; how they have carried on during the war, have organized Relief Societies, Primaries, Mutuals (a few) and sending lady missionaries into the various branches. I never witnessed greater faith than he had, if one of the young ladies was willing to go he would set her apart and trust the Lord to see that means were furnished to care for her and her dependents, in her absence, for some of them had a mother, or a father who was dependent on her for their support, and they were never disappointed. Told how even some of our soldier boys came to church headquarters and have help to the missionary work, one gave 20£. And another 40£., etc. 

Told of his first six month’s mission, wherein he had 27£. And some shillings to pay his expenses, when the six month’s was up, he had only some shillings left and no job, as he had given up a teacher’s job in college to go on the mission. 

At this time, he received a letter from a college with a check of 27£ and some shillings, the exact amount he had for his missionary expenses and they told him they felt that for the kind of teaching he had been doing in school, he had been underpaid and they enclosed the balance due him.

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