Journal: Jeanette Sperry

1945 (Monday) – Port (Porty Lewis Gabbitas) came from work soon after seven a.m. to take me to spend the day in his home. I prepared breakfast for him, then we left. When I watch Della (Della Lunt) and all the multiplicity of things she has to do for that little family, it makes my head ache. Scarcely a breathing spell, first the two eldest children (Ivy Joan and Gordon Lewis Gabbitas) have to be helped off to school, then the three little ones (Larry Lunt, Judith Ann and Ted Lunt Gabbitas) ready to be fed, milk to be strained and skimmed and stacks of dishes to do. She churned and because she used some thin cream she had , it took more than two hours to churn the butter. Larry had to be helped and fed to go to school at noon, then lunch for the rest of us, and more dishes. Some of the baby’s washing to be done and it was three o’clock and Dad (Alfred Oscar Lunt) was there to take me home. It was almost four before we left and still Della had had no time to sit down and chat a bit, in peace. By then, the children were home from school and dinner would have to be prepared. No wonder she said she gets nervous headaches.

In the evening I attended the Daughters of The Pioneers. A good and interesting evening was spent and some hostesses gave us some nice refreshments, their decorations were Easter baskets full of colored eggs and some bunnies of different shapes and sizes.

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