Journal: Jeanette Sperry

1945 (Wednesday) – In the afternoon, Oscar (Alfred Oscar Lunt) took the three of us (Me, Dorothy and Jean Snader) to Clearfield. We had dinner at Bert’s (Charles Gilbert Lunt). They were all feeling pretty good. We enjoyed our trip very well. 

Read More Journal: Jeanette Sperry

Journal: Jeanette Sperry

1945 (Tuesday) – Was home most of the day. Late afternoon, Oscar (Alfred Oscar Lunt), the two girls (Dorothy and Jean Snader) and myself went out to Della’s (Della Lunt). She does not feel very well. The rest (Porty Lewis, Ivy Joan, Gordon Lewis, Larry Lunt, Judith Ann and Ted Lunt Gabbitas) are alright, except […]

Read More Journal: Jeanette Sperry

Journal: Jeanette Sperry

1945 (Monday) – Dorothy (Dorothy Snader), Jean (Jean Snader) and I went up to the library. We made a search for other records, besides the Eby lines. Not very successful. It stormed most of the day. After dinner, the girls took a long walk up town. I spent an hour with Sister Erekson, she misses […]

Read More Journal: Jeanette Sperry

Journal: Jeanette Sperry

1945 (Sunday) – The three (Dorothy and Jean Snader) of us went to Sunday School, remained for fast meeting. After lunch we called on Uncle Harry Sperry (Miles Harrison Sperry), he is getting quite discouraged, seems to think he would like to be released and follow his wife (Sarah Edmunds) into the Spirit World.  Evening […]

Read More Journal: Jeanette Sperry

Journal: Jeanette Sperry

1945 (Saturday) – Had all of my Saturday’s cleaning to do and made a cake. About five o’clock, Dorothy (Dorothy Snader) and (Jean Snader) arrived, they both looked splendid. Of course they were quite tired after their long ride. In the evening they took a little walk and then went down to Esther’s (Emily Esther […]

Read More Journal: Jeanette Sperry

Journal: Jeanette Sperry

1945 (Wednesday) – Decoration Day. Oscar (Alfred Oscar Lunt) and I went up to Howard Allen’s for some flags to take down to Nephi, we left there at 9:30 and reached Nephi Cemetery at 12 noon, met some relatives and friends at the cemetery. There was a flag and wreath on Arthur’s (George Arthur Lunt) […]

Read More Journal: Jeanette Sperry

Journal: Jeanette Sperry

1945 (Monday) – Received a letter from Eva (Eva Ruth Lunt). She is gradually recovering, can help herself to get around some. I must get down there as soon as possible as the little girls (Darlene Lunt and Sharon Alice Holman) are trying to carry on until I do. I went to the bank and […]

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