Journal: Jeanette Sperry

1895 (Thursday) – I walked up town for Sunday School, but it was too late, so I did not go in, I went to Grandma Sperry’s (Emily Louisa Miller) instead; had dinner there. Lil Black (Lillie May Black) and I washed the dishes. Later about half past three, Earl Mangum and Tom Painter came up, later Roscoe Grover and Amy, Sarah and Itha Bigler came in for a few minutes. After they left, Della Kendall (Adella Kendall) and Ada Taylor, and about sundown, we all went over to Lillie’s Grandma Adkinson’s (Alice Wilson), got some peaches and a lovely bouquet of flowers, a piece. We next went down to Painter’s Store, lit the lamp and locked the door (because it was Sunday) and ate chocolates, oranges and melons and had all the gum we wanted. While there we all got weighed, I forget how much the boys weighed, but Lillie was 104, Della 115, Ada 101 and me 94 lbs.. After that we took a walk and then came and sat on Grandma’s lawn until eleven o’clock.

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