This Day In Our Family History


Nils (Neils) Olson and Karna Palmgreen Anderson, both 27 years old, were married in Efveröd, Kristianstad, Sweden


Margaret Ewing died at the age of 28 in Bog Oak Flat, Tulare, California, United States


Erma Thornton, age 38, was sealed for time and eternity to her parents, Laurence Delos Thornton and Anna Louella Farnsworth, age 56, in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints’ Idaho Falls Idaho Temple, which is located at 1000 Memorial Drive in Idaho Falls, Bonneville, Idaho, United States. A proxy stood in for Laurence Delos


William E. Hudson, about 27 years old, and Joanne Elizabeth Smith, age 18, were married in  Los Angeles County, California, United States


Gertrude Barton died at the age of 89 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States


Beth Lunt died at the age of 94 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States

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