Journal: Jeanette Sperry

1916 (Thursday) – Another long spell. Della (Della Lunt) got over the measles alright and between the 4th and the 24th July she went to Manti with Lillian (Lillian Lunt) and was baptized in the Manti Temple being eight years of age. Earl (Earl Sperry Lunt) and Arthur (George Arthur Lunt) had the measles and they were pretty sick, their ears gathered and ran. Arthur’s didn’t bother him much, but poor little Earl, he certainly had a serious time and suffered something dreadful, I don’t know what I would have done if their Father (Alfred Oscar Lunt) hadn’t been home to help me. He has quit the road now and wants to go in the cattle business. 

On the last of July, we went in the canyon to camp a week. Della Shaw was our guest. We enjoyed the week very much, especially Earl and Arthur, they have been shut in nearly all spring and summer, but since we came home and they know they can go off I can hardly keep track of them. On the 29th of August, Edgar (John Edgar Lunt) took Grandpa (Alfred Lunt) and Grandma (Priscilla Pitt) Lunt back to Manti after their visit to Nephi. Grandpa was apparently in the best of health, but by ten o’clock, he was in such agony, it was impossible to get him eased. The next day, he was brought to Nephi and then later sent on to Salt Lake to the hospital. He is doing fine and will not have to undergo an operation.

My own health is very poor this summer, especially the last few weeks. I spend most of my time in bed, although I am able to go out to my meals. Tuesday, (5th), my Husband took Mother (Caroline Webb) and I over to Manti for me to go to the temple to be washed and anointed for my health. Aunt Sarah Sperry (Sarah Edmunds) went to the Temple with me. There we met several of the Nephi people. I received a lovely promise of a blessing by the sisters, which was sealed by the brethren. They prayed that I might from that time begin to get better, that I might be made whole from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet. We had dinner at Aunt Sarah’s and then returned home. I stood the journey fine.

I have been feeling much stronger in my body since I came home and hope soon to be better in every way. I realize it all depends on my faith, and oh how I have prayed for the gift of faith. I went over there fasting and I feel positive I will be blessed through going over there. 

Today I sat up long enough to help peel over two bushels of peaches and Della (probably Shaw) 54 quarts.

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