John Rowley and Sarah Wright Family Messenger


18 December 1899
24 Gregory St.
Loryton, Staff., England

My Dear Niece,

I should have wrote sooner only I didn’t know your address, as I wrote about two years ago as near as I can guess, and I had the letter returned to me as the Postal authorities could not find you, but if I can find the letter, I will enclose it and then you can see for yourself. None of your uncles have gone to the war, Uncle Alfred finished his time in the army in October 1893 or over 6 years ago now. Your Grandma was only saying the day before she received your ever welcome letter. We should all of  us like to see you and your brothers and sisters and father. Your Uncle William Bennett died here in July 10th 1898, he was your Aunt Elizabeth’s husband and she died about 16 months before your mother. Please to write oftener and I will do all that lies in my power to answer them as early as possible. Grandma was 66 years of age on the 3rd of this present December. I, your Uncle Charles got married last married last Christmas to Miss Annie Holmes, I am 34 years of age. I live about 20 yards from Grandma, your Uncle George lives in London about 150 miles from here, he has been there about 2 years and a half. I went to see him in the summer for 3 days. London is the capital of England the same as Washington is of the states. The Queen lives there I have seen her residence, it is called Buckingham Palace. I have seen the crown of gold that she wears and all her gold plates and dishes worth millions of pounds in the Tower of London. It is the finest city in the world and if you lived there for 12 months you would not see all the sites there is to be seen there. You talk about grass, flowers and trees why we are in the midst of them out here, we live close by the Park where the public can go and walk or sit and read and listen to the band and the park is decorated with beautiful trees, grass and flowers of all sorts to suit the season of the year. I expect Amasa is a big boy now and getting to be quite a man. Please to send word in your next letter if your father 

(a page missing)

Herself very much in fact she has not quite recovered yet from the effects of it otherwise all are well in the family circle. Brother Alfred had a boy four years old run over by the Electric train last year and killed at a place called Benton, a mile from Lougton. I wish I could drop over sometime and take you by surprise and I suppose you would say go away you imposter.

I will conclude my wishing you a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year and may it prove to be a prosperous one to all of you.

From Your ????
Uncle Charles
for Grandma


Mary Balloy
24 Gregory St.
Lougton, Staffs., England

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